Elizabeth Arden Retinol Ceramide Capsules Line Erasing Night Serum

Elizabeth Arden Retinol Ceramide Capsules Line Erasing Night Serum

Who for: Anyone who wants to improve the texture and fine lines on their face and neck.

First impressions:  Won’t cover my neck and face

After one week: Saw a difference in my skin in the morning.

After one month: Had to stop using due to Dry Eye/MGD

Stockists: Elizabeth Arden website and counters within Department Stores

I received these capsules through the post from a website offering to try them for free.  I had seen Nadine Baggott try them and thought I might give them a go.  I am undecided whether I need to use Retinol or Vitamin C as I am happy with the way my skin looks and feels.  I don’t mind the fine lines I have around my eyes and lips.  The capsules make it so easy to apply the right amount of serum, I must admit that I thought it would not be enough but was pleasantly surprised that it did.  I would apply it at night after cleansing before moisturising.  It sunk into my skin without leaving a residue which some serums I have tried in the past have left on my skin.  I did not apply it too close to my eyes, I used the orbital bone as a guide and not too close to my lips.  It is a lovely Retinol serum and I did notice a slight difference in my skin the next morning, but I had to stop using it as I noticed that even though I did not apply it near my eyes I would have red eyes on the nights I had used it.  At the time of using them I was unaware that I had Dry Eye and MGD.  My optometrist gave me a list of ingredients I shouldn’t use, and Retinol is one of them.  Hopefully if I get control of the eye conditions then I may be able to use them in the future.  I would recommend anyone to try a sample of the capsules before parting with £70 as they are a very considered purchase.


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