This is the final part of the Your First Trial Kit. Again, I just could not get it to work for me no matter what I tried. But this does not mean I am willing to try them again sometime in the future.
I found this brand on TikTok and am so glad I did. Why? I am trying to grow my hair long and embracing the grey. I noticed that I did not clog up the plug hole in the shower when I used this and my hair health improved immensely. I apply it all over my hair and scalp then cover it in a shower cap upto two hours before washing my hair. It has a lovely citrusy grapefruit smell. If only I could find a shampoo and conditioner that smelled this good I would buy it by the bucket load.
I like to add one drop to a basic moisturizer and apply it with a brush to create definition and contour. This has been the best product I have used in this way as I am able to control depth of colour and where I want more definition. In the summer I might increase to two drops.
Bottle of Sukin Micellar Cleansing Water My hubby and I have been using Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water, he had read an article in a newspaper and wanted to try it. This has a fresh smell and both of us like it. It cleanses the skin well and copes brilliantly with Benefit Roller Lash, it removes it without much rubbing. I would hold the cotton pad to my eye for a few seconds before gently swiping it away. There is no residue or stickiness, the fragrance doesn’t last long on the skin once the water is swiped over the skin. We use both sides of the cotton pad remembering to wipe behind our ears. Think we will be buying more of it and other products from their range.
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