Advice on glasses

I need advice – are there any opticians reading this blog or people who know an optician?  I will explain I was born with weak eye muscles and as I got older I had to have a prism put into my glasses and with my eye condition I now wear reading glasses as well as distance.  Didn’t bother me much but I keep leaving the house with my reading glasses on as I have a habit of wearing them a lot more around the house.  I wanted transitions in my glasses too.  Hubby has need varifocals and thought I would try them as it saves me the hassle of changing my glasses when I to watch the TV or read or use the computer.  The optician where I had my eye test said I could have varifocals and transitions, but the price was not in my range, so I went to a different optician.  The new optician has told me that because of the prism I cannot have varifocals as it would not work properly.  So, I am back to having two pairs of glasses and not the one I wanted.  My question is which optician is right – the first one that said I could or the second that said I couldn’t have varifocals?


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